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Schools in general do not teach the science and art of collectibles and how we can invest in them for profit.People generally know 

that USA old currecy notes are valuable, what they do not seem to know is that all world old currency notes have value. We can

invest in collectibles.When the Zimbabwe one hundred trillion dollar bill came out it was about US$100 but it soon became US

$1 or less.Those who bought it at that price are sitting on profits today,because the value is over $50 dollars.One dealer is

asking as much as $100 for a single original One hundred Trillion Zimbabwe Dollars.They will never make more of these

Dollars.Never means the price for one will go up and up.That's good for the collectors. 

It has come to my attention that DISNEY VHS TAPES are never to be made again ever.That this is a collectible is not

rocket science.Every tape should be sold out.I mean every tape.Some are expensive already.Just do a google search

for Aladdin and the forty thievesVHS or  Beauty and the BeastVHS.Incredible you may think.No it is not incredible.J

oin the Club.Buy tapes for a dollar or two now because in a few years they will all be worth at least $20.

Set u p your collectible GDI  School SITE at   or can then

by research teach others about collectibles at your HOME SCHOOL OF COLLECTIBLES.

Personally I have several collectibles including those Zimbabwe Dollars and the Disney tapes.People  are willing

to sell these things at Garage Sales for a Buck.They have no clue of what a collectible may be.They are the

same ones that will look back and say if i only knew.